Materials Distribution

Materials Distribution is responsible for various shipping/receiving services, as well as storage and recycling options for University offices.

Excess Property Sale, Donation and Disposal Instructions
Deans, Directors and Department Heads may authorize the release of University property for donation, sale or disposal by signing a completed Excess Property Form. There may be restrictions on the sale of items purchased with grant or sponsored funds. Please contact Sponsored Accounting to ensure property purchased with sponsored funds is eligible for sale. The unauthorized sale or donation of University property is prohibited.

Move Crew
Enter an online service request to request: Moving services. Please note this is a billed service.

Materials Distribution Pick up/Delivery Form
Enter an online service request to request: Electronic Waste Pick Up, Excess Property Disposal Pick Up, Shredding Pick Up, Storage Items Pick Up or Delivery,  or Toner Recycling Pick Up.

Create Service Request Instructions

Materials Distribution UPS Pick up Form
This form allows any University department to request pick-up for UPS Shipping.

Contact Us
Phone: 315-443-2446