Travel Procedures

Travel Advances
To obtain a travel advance, a travel voucher must be completed, signed by both the traveler and by an individual authorized for the general ledger account being charged, and forwarded to Disbursements Processing. The travel voucher must be received at least two weeks prior to the scheduled departure from Syracuse.

Travel Reimbursements
The travel voucher form is used to request reimbursement of out of pocket expenses related to University business travel.

The mileage reimbursement rate for use of a personal automobile on University business incurred on or after 01/01/25 is $0.70 per mile. Please go here to access the Travel Voucher form under the Disbursements section.

If the traveler is an employee, then the traveler is required to sign the daily detail page. The signature of the authorized signer is required on the expense report. Attach the required receipts and mail as indicated below.

For Sponsored Awards:
Mail to: Office of Sponsored Accounting, 211 Lyman Hall
Phone: 315-443-2059
Fax: 315-443-2094
Email: Sponsored Accounting

For Restricted Accounts:
Mail to: Restricted Accounting, 640 Skytop Road Suite 140
Phone: 315-443-5372
Fax: 315-443-2676
Email: Restricted Accounting

For all other accounts:
Mail to: Disbursements, 640 Skytop Road Suite 120
Phone: 315-443-9446
Email: Disbursements