Contact the Office of Compliance

Office of University Compliance
621 Skytop Rd.
Suite 100
Syracuse, New York 13244


Office of Athletic Compliance
Phone: 315.870.0572

Report a Concern: EthicsPoint Confidential Hotline


If this is related to an emergency situation or potentially imminent threat, dial 911.

If you are not sure whom to contact, but have a compliance question of any type, you may complete this online form. All submissions will be sent directly to the Compliance office. The University will make every effort to respond within one business day. Please note: You will need to include contact information on the form for us to respond.

If you have a concern rather than a question, visit the confidential hotline page to view your options. Remember, even minor issues are worth reporting. Only through open discussion can we improve the University and ensure we are meeting all of our compliance obligations.