
Advisory Work Group Issues Recommendations to Enhance the Staff Experience

Following months of research, discussion and collaboration, the Advisory Work Group on Staff Climate Matters has issued a report and recommendations to enhance the overall experience and satisfaction of staff members throughout the Syracuse University community.

The 12-person work group, which was convened following the 2016-17 campuswide climate assessment process, recommended three areas of focus to enhance the staff experience and strengthen the sense of community and relationships with staff and between staff and others on campus.

Full story available at Syracuse University News.

Purchasing Office to Offer Training for Electronic Requisitions

In October 2018, the Purchasing Office announced a transition away from paper requisition forms. The office expects the transition to be complete by the end of fiscal year 2019, upon which time paper forms will only be accepted in very limited instances. The goal of the department is to move completely to electronic requisition forms by the end of the calendar year. To assist with the changeover, the Purchasing Office is offering training sessions for staff members affected by this change.

Read the full story at Syracuse University News

‘Just another day’: Food Services and the Annual MLK Celebration

Jim Ponzi, associate director of production and commissary operations, started work on Thursday at 7:30 a.m. After a full day of overseeing operations of Syracuse University’s food production, serving an average of 17,000 meals, he worked past midnight. An Orange men’s basketball game against Miami tipped off at 8 p.m., and he stayed to do a final deposit. He returned on Friday morning at 7 a.m. “It’s a life,” said Ponzi. “Well, we say it’s a lifestyle. You get used to it.”

Read the full story at Syracuse University News

New Winter Sport Options at Drumlins

With financial support from Auxiliary Services and design work by Campus Planning, Design and Construction—both within the Division of Business, Finance and Administrative Services—a space near the golf shop at Drumlins is being renovated to house the new Cross Country Ski and Snowshoe Center. Recreation Services and Drumlins staff have converted the public side of the golf course at Drumlins to a system of groomed trails, which are now open. Trails are marked and mapped, with three trails to serve beginner, intermediate and advanced skiers.

Read the full story at Syracuse University News.

Staff Spotlight: WAER Director Joe Lee

Joe Lee hears voices every day. Voices from the past. They don’t haunt him. They make him smile and his heart swell with pride. They are the voices of the broadcast elite, recognized around the world because they have become icons in the news and sports business. And many of them were inspired by Joe and what he has done in his role as director and general manager of WAER-FM for more than two decades.

Read the full story at Syracuse University News.

Progress on Campus Framework: Schine Student Center Renovation to Commence May 2019

The Schine Student Center, the hub of student life on the Syracuse University campus, will soon undergo a significant makeover. The renovation, which was identified as a key component of the Campus Framework, a 20-year roadmap meant to guide future campus planning and development, will begin in May 2019. The announcement comes on the heels of the Nov. 9 Board of Trustees meeting, during which the Board unanimously approved the planned renovation.

Read the full story on Syracuse University News.

Virginia Denton, Former Director of Design and Construction, Remembered for Stewardship of Physical Campus

Virginia Rieger Denton ’61 oversaw great change on Syracuse University’s physical campus during her years with the office formerly known as Design and Construction through her various roles, including as director. But it was the development of a special place of honor that she may have been most proud.

Following the terrorist bombing of Pan Am 103 in 1988, Denton and then-Chancellor Melvin Eggers formulated the design and development of the Place of Remembrance to commemorate the 35 SU students who died on the flight.

Read the full story on Syracuse University News.

Take the ’Cuse Challenge and Hang Out with Pete Sala

The Fall 2018 semester at Syracuse University brings student engagement to a new level with the ’Cuse Challenge mobile app. The mobile app, available on the App Store and Google Play, features activities and traditions that students can participate in and complete for prizes.

With over 100 challenges (and growing) on the app, students are given a bucket list of things to do before they graduate. As students complete challenges, they earn points and prizes. This year’s grand prize for the top five challenge completers will be a private tour of the Carrier Dome with Vice President and Chief Facilities Officer Pete Sala.

The full story is available on Syracuse University News.


University Launches Campus-Focused Facebook Page

The recently launched Facebook page SU Campus offers social media users—especially Syracuse University students, faculty and staff—a new means to keep up on happenings on campus.

Followers of the @SUCampus Facebook page and Twitter account will see posts about many topics, including student events, speakers, performances, art exhibitions and film screenings.

The full story can be found on Syracuse University News.