Thousands of new students moved into their residence halls this week, where they were greeted by staff volunteers, orientation leaders, and the Goon Squad. A certain fuzzy orange mascot also made an appearance. Check out photos from move-in week at Syracuse University News.
Parking and Transit Services Announces Changes to Bus Route Numbers
As a result of a transfer of services from Birnie Bus to Centro, several bus routes servicing off-campus locations have new numbers. The new route numbers will be seen on the front of Centro buses beginning Aug. 19. The decision to switch service from Birnie Bus to Centro also means that students utilizing these routes will board at the main College Place bus stop, instead of at the designated Birnie Bus area further down College Place at the side of Lyman Hall.
Read the full article at Syracuse University News.
Rahnamay-Azar Shares Expertise at National Conference
Last week, Syracuse University Senior Vice President for Business, Finance and Administrative Services and Chief Financial Officer Dr. Amir Rahnamay-Azar spoke about his experiences with strategic tuition pricing and energy infrastructure at the annual National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO) conference in Austin, Texas.
In addition, Rahnamay-Azar was interviewed by Megan Schneider, NACUBO’s Senior Director for Government Affairs about utilizing public-private partnerships to support energy infrastructure projects with and also participated in the organization’s 2019 Future Business Officers Program. Their conversation will be released as a podcast later in the year. The latter program featured conversations and a networking lunch with chief business officers, with the theme of “Advocate to Elevate: How Business Officers Can Elevate Higher Education Through Advocacy.”
The organization specifically represents chief business and financial officers through advocacy efforts, community service, and professional development activities. The association’s mission is to advance the economic viability, business practices and support for higher education institutions in fulfillment of their missions.
Rahnamay-Azar has been a member of NACUBO for 25 years, and has been asked to speak at the annual conference numerous times throughout his tenure. He’s also shared his expertise on NACUBO webcasts and podcasts, dispensing advice and best practices to members of the organization, which represents more than 1,900 schools and colleges across the country.
“It’s always an honor to be asked to share your successes with your peers,” says Rahnamay-Azar. “This year, I was privileged to have two of my proposals chosen, and to be able to speak about some of the ambitious efforts the BFAS division has undertaken during my tenure at Syracuse.”
Dr. Rahnamay-Azar has nearly 25 years of experience in higher education. Prior to beginning his tenure at Syracuse University in 2017, Dr. Rahnamay-Azar served as Vice President and Chief Financial Officer at Carnegie Mellon University from 2013-16, and as Senior Vice President for Administration and Finance at Georgia Institute of Technology from 2010-13. He spent more than a decade working at the University of Southern California, culminating in his final role as Associate Senior Vice President for Operations.
Update, September 9, 2019: The “NACUBO in Brief” podcast is available on the NACUBO website, as well as on the Apple podcast app and via Stichr.
New Seating in Hendricks Chapel Will Accommodate Growth and Enhance Accessibility
Recent renovations to Hendricks Chapel continue to make history. In February, People’s Place Café celebrated a grand reopening with a renewed interior and updated menu. In May, central air conditioning was turned on in the main chapel for the first time. As of this week, the main chapel now features new interlocking chairs in place of the first six rows of pews.
“To witness the ongoing growth in religious and spiritual engagement is a delight,” says Hendricks Chapel Dean Brian Konkol. “I am thankful for the outstanding efforts of our chaplains, staff, student leaders and advisors. This latest renovation, which would not be possible without our partners in Campus Planning, Design and Construction, is part of Syracuse University’s larger efforts to foster and support an inclusive, accessible campus of opportunity for a richly diverse student body.”
Read the full story at Syracuse University News.
Syracuse University to Review Student Housing to Better Support Student Experience
Guided by student input, throughout the 2019-20 academic year, Syracuse University will conduct a holistic review of its student housing to better understand residential options and determine future needs in support of enriching the student experience. Representatives from the Division of Business, Finance and Administrative Services (BFAS) and the Division of Enrollment and the Student Experience (ESE) will assess the University’s existing housing portfolio to gauge how its residential spaces align with the University’s vision, mission and priorities. Academic Affairs will also be engaged in the review.
Amir Rahnamay-Azar, senior vice president for business, finance and administrative services and chief financial officer, says examining existing housing options and determining future needs is a critical component of the University’s focus on the student experience as outlined in the Academic Strategic Plan and Campus Framework.
Read the full story at Syracuse University News.
Health and Counseling Services Open in Barnes Center at The Arch
Beginning today, health and counseling services in the Barnes Center at The Arch are open and operational for student appointments and drop-ins. The pharmacy is also open.
The summer hours for health and counseling services, as well as the pharmacy, are Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Crisis services and the Sexual and Relationship Violence Response Team remain available 24-hours-a-day, seven-days-a-week, by calling 315.443.8000. A Syracuse University licensed medical provider also remains available for medically related consult after-hours by calling 315.443.8000.
Read the full story at Syracuse University News.
Huge Crane Arrives to Provide a ‘Pick Me Up’ for Stadium Project
You’ll soon see a massive crane take shape on the Syracuse University campus, as a major construction project kicks into high gear. One of the key goals of the Business, Finance and Administrative Services Division this year is to manage all active capital projects, and the project to replace the Stadium roof is starting to make a major impact on the Syracuse University campus.
Check out the video from Syracuse University News.
Job Fair Brings Together Those Seeking Positions with Opportunities in Food Services, Facilities Services
On Wednesday, July 10, Syracuse University hosted a community-based job event as part of the University’s Building Local initiative. This was the second event focused on fostering local opportunities, partnerships and business relationships. The first was a Procurement Fair held on May 21.
The goal of the event was to match job seekers from local area community job readiness agencies with hiring authorities within the University to fill numerous temporary positions in Food Services and Facilities Services. The agencies represented included: Catholic Charities, The Salvation Army, the Syracuse Rescue Mission, Women’s Opportunity Center, JOBSplus and the New York State Department of Labor. These agencies provide occupational training programs and were asked to invite their clients with culinary, maintenance or administrative skills. By leveraging the agencies’ existing programs, the University is hoping to meet its upcoming labor needs for the fall semester.
Read the full story at Syracuse University News.
Purchasing Department Announces New Purchasing Policy
The Purchasing Department, a business unit of the Business, Finance and Administrative Services division, has announced the publication of a new Purchasing Policy that went into effect July 1, 2019. The new policy formally establishes bidding thresholds, responsible parties and requirements for purchasing decisions made throughout the University. Additionally, it provides broader procurement decision-making at the departmental level, while establishing the Purchasing Department as the go-to resource for large procurement needs. The new policy also sets the same dollar thresholds for sponsored and non-sponsored funds in an effort to cut down on confusion.
Read the full story from Syracuse University News.
Construction at Van Buren, Henry Streets Intersection to Improve Pedestrian Safety
Facilities Services is planning to begin construction at the intersection of Van Buren and Henry streets to improve pedestrian safety. Improvements include a new crosswalk on Van Buren Street, pedestrian crossing signs and sidewalk replacement.
Read the full story from Syracuse University News.