New Communications Unit Established, Will Combine Resources from BFAS and Auxiliary Services

In recognition of the historically close ties and frequent crossover between Business, Finance and Administrative Services (BFAS) and Auxiliary Services, the two divisions are launching a joint communications unit, combining the marketing and communications resources from each division.

The new unit will be led by director of communications Jennifer DeMarchi, who will now report to both Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Brett Padgett and Senior Vice President and Chief Operations Officer John Papazoglou.

In addition to her new responsibilities with Auxiliary Services, DeMarchi remains the primary point of contact for all marketing and communications needs for the units within BFAS, including Campus Facilities, Administration and Services, the Comptroller’s Office, the Office of Institutional Risk and Audit Management, the Office of Budget and Planning, the Office of the Treasurer, and Real Estate and Asset Management.

Abby Haessig, previously the Auxiliary Services marketing manager, will move into the role of assistant director of marketing and communications, supporting both BFAS and the units within Auxiliary Services. The unit will also include marketing managers Hannah Redmond (Campus Store) and Keone Weigl (Food Services), who will continue to provide marketing and communications support to their respective departments.

BFAS and Auxiliary Services interact on a regular basis, and in fact, several units now housed within BFAS were previously under the Auxiliary Services umbrella. Establishing a cohesive communications team will allow for coordination between the divisions on shared areas of interest. In addition, the new unit will follow the lead of the University’s Division of Marketing, and establish a renewed focus on consistent messaging, design, and branding across all platforms.

As before, all staff members in both divisions should continue to reach out to members of the communications unit for all marketing and communications needs: publications, presentations, digital tools, websites, print and promotional materials, SU News communications, social media, and all internal and external communications, including media requests.

Anyone with questions should contact Jenn DeMarchi at